March 9, 2025

NASA HUNCH Program Manager Visits Warren Tech Campus

NASA HUNCH Program Manager Visits Warren Tech Campus cover

Scott Rodriguez, NASA HUNCH Program Manager, visited Warren Tech to review student projects and assess progress ahead of the Final Design Reviews in April. Warren Tech, recognized as Colorado’s premier career and technical education center, provides students with hands-on, career-focused learning experiences that integrate 21st-century academic knowledge with real-world applications.

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During the visit, Rodriguez met with students and instructors to discuss their work in the Health & Biomedical Science track, where Warren Tech had six of the 25 projects selected nationwide to advance to the HUNCH national competition in Texas this past January. Some of the reviewed projects included manufactured signs, a virtual reality simulator, and a medical tool printer that repurposes recycled materials. Through HUNCH, students gain real-world experience and develop critical skills while working on projects that support NASA’s mission.

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