Flight Configuration


Get Ready for an Exciting 2024-2025 School Year in the Flight Configuration Program!

As the school year kicks off, students in the Flight Configuration program will embark on an extraordinary journey alongside NASA HUNCH Mentors, Mike Bennett and Luke Sammons! Together, they will elevate their selected project designs and drawings to meet NASA’s rigorous drafting and manufacturing standards. This thrilling process includes creating detailed flight drawings, comprehensive documentation, and, when necessary, stunning final 3D prints that will truly take flight!

Whether your students are continuing an exciting project from last year or diving into a brand-new venture chosen for its potential to soar, they will gain invaluable hands-on experience that could lead to groundbreaking innovations in space exploration.

But that’s not all! Occasionally, organizations within NASA present HUNCH with unique projects that require quick turnarounds. This is where our Flight Configuration students shine! Their exceptional skills and creativity make them the ideal candidates to tackle these high-stakes challenges head-on.

Once their designs are ready for production in one of our HUNCH schools, students can take pride in knowing that their projects will undergo the same rigorous safety and design standards as any product destined for the International Space Station.

This is more than just a program; it’s an incredible opportunity to make a real impact in the world of space exploration. Let’s ignite curiosity, spark innovation, and watch as your students’ dreams take flight!


"Best program to put CAD in practice!

Student Luke

As a teacher, the experience in working with NASA HUNCH elevated my skills in the classroom.

Teacher - Mike




Can I get certified if I work in this Program?


Where are the projects and resources for Flight Configuration teams?

The resources for our program are located in a Canvas class. Access is given to all teachers that request it. Then teachers can provide a list of students and their emails for the students to gain access.

Flight Documents

Canvas Course / Resource